NEST curricula

violence prevention & safety education

Curricula designed for schools, youth organizations, and community programs, created in partnership with experts in education, counseling, neuroscience, and child development.

Comprehensive Violence Prevention Curriculum

You Belong HereTM

ages 5-18

Transforming how schools approach safety and harm reduction, You Belong Here (YBH) is a comprehensive violence prevention curriculum that builds practical skills and buffers protective factors to foster safety, reduce harm, and create more connected communities. This curriculum proactively impacts bullying, peer-to-peer violence, teen dating violence, sexual violence, and self-harm.

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Student-Centered & Adaptable

Students drive discussions by sharing diverse perspectives, shaping each classroom's unique journey based on their backgrounds, viewpoints, and experiences.

Emphasizes Healthy Relationships

Students develop core relationship skills - from communication and empathy to boundary-setting and conflict resolution - while learning to navigate friendships, romantic connections, and group dynamics with respect.

Promotes Safety in Risky Contexts

Prepares students to recognize and respond to harmful situations, including boundary violations and risks related to digital privacy and online sharing, while developing help-seeking skills and identifying trusted adults for support.

Condensed Child Abuse, IPV, and Trafficking Prevention Curriculum

Child Safety BasicsTM

ages 8-18

The Nest Child Safety Basics Curriculum covers essential elements of child abuse, IPV, and sex trafficking prevention using age-appropriate language and activities. Students will learn to establish and respect personal boundaries, warning signs of abuse, the anatomy of healthy relationships, and how to be savvy and safe internet users. The curriculum emphasizes the importance of reporting and seeking help in unsafe situations.

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Trauma-Informed Lessons

Lessons prioritize student emotional safety while building essential protection skills through age-appropriate content and activities.

Safety & Exploitation Awareness

Students learn to identify trusted adults, set boundaries, recognize warning signs, and navigate digital safety and exploitation risks.

Dating Violence Prevention

Through evidence-informed activities and discussions, students develop skills to recognize healthy relationship patterns, set clear boundaries, and navigate relationship dynamics safely.

Trafficking Prevention

Students learn to identify exploitation risks, manipulation tactics, and online safety strategies while being equipped with practical tools and resources for prevention and support.

curricula focus

Topics Covered

You Belong HereTM

Emotional Regulation


Respecting & Belonging


Mental Health, Stigma & Self-Care

Handling Grief & Loss

Rejection & Resilience

Bystanders & Upstanders

Bullying & Cyberbullying

Digital Wellbeing

Media Literacy



+ Everything in Child Safety Basics

Child Safety BasicsTM

Personal Safety & Boundaries

Identifying Trusted Adults

Assertive Communication


Healthy vs Unhealthy Relationships

Digital Safety

Warning Signs of Abuse

Warning Signs of Exploitation

Sex Trafficking


Which curriculum best meets your needs?

You Belong Here: Starting in Kindergarten, our curriculum helps students build resilience, develop cultural norms that reject aggression, and create stable peer relationships - addressing root issues that lead to bullying and violence before they start. This proactive approach means schools can prevent harmful behaviors rather than just responding after problems occur.

You Belong Here and Child Safety Basics: Both YBH and CSB meet these requirements. YBH offers comprehensive violence prevention with relevant modules throughout, while CSB provides a condensed, focused curriculum specifically designed for legal compliance.

Child Safety Basics: With 2-3 trauma-informed lessons per grade band, CSB efficiently covers essential elements of child abuse, IPV, and sex trafficking prevention using age-appropriate language and activities.

You Belong Here: This comprehensive curriculum builds core relationship skills, teaches non-violent problem-solving, and addresses multiple forms of violence through 100+ lessons aligned with evidence-informed prevention models.

You Belong Here: The middle school and high school curriculum empowers students to implement programs and projects that address harm, disconnection, and violence in their school and wider communities.


Educator Support

Teacher Portal Access

Easy to navigate, up-to-date teacher portal with all lesson materials, handouts, and support resources.

Teacher Trainings

Self-paced asynchronous training and/or live in-person or virtual trainings specifically crafted to support implementation.

Discount on Nest Workshops

Nest offers tailored workshops on Violence Prevention, Community Care, and Mental Wellness for youth, educators, parents, and community partners.

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Interested in bringing Nest curricula to your school or organization?